Multitank Sustainable Bulk Packaging

Read in this article the top 3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution. Here at Multitank we think that World Rivers Day can be an excellent opportunity to highlight the benefits of reusable bulk packaging. Just as rivers are part of the broader environmental ecosystem, reusable bulk packaging is a component of a comprehensive approach to  sustainability.

3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution

While reusable bulk packaging and marine pollution may not have a direct and explicit relationship, there are several ways in which sustainable packaging practices, including bulk packaging, can contribute to the broader goals of environmental conservation and the protection of our world’s rivers. A significant portion of the world’s plastic waste finds its way into rivers. These waterways then carry the waste to the oceans, leading to extensive marine pollution. Replacing single use bulk packaging with Multitank, reusable bulk packaging, you take a step towards reduction of marine pollution.

3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution

  1. Single use bulk packaging, especially if it is not disposed correctly, can contribute to this pollution. By adopting reusable bulk packaging, industries can dramatically reduce the volume of packaging waste produced. This reduction can lead to less waste ending up into our rivers and subsequently, into our oceans.
  2. The production of new packaging materials, particularly plastics, requires vast amounts of water. By utilizing reusable bulk packaging, there’s a reduction in the demand for new packaging, thus conserving water resources. Healthy rivers are vital for maintaining these water resources.
  3. Pollutants from packaging waste can introduce toxins, harming aquatic life. Reusable packaging minimizes the chances of these pollutants entering the river ecosystems, helping to maintain their biodiversity and health.

       In conclusion, the health of our rivers is indicative of the overall health of our environment. Every choice we make, from supporting businesses that adopt reusable packaging to educating others on the importance of river health, has impact. By adopting reusable bulk packaging, we can play a significant role in preserving these vital waterways, aligning the goals of World Rivers Day with sustainable industrial practices.


      Fact No1
      3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution
      Rivers are the primary source of plastics entering the oceans. 95% of plactic polluting the world’s oceans comes from just 10 rivers in Asia and Africa!
      Fact No2
      3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution
      It is estimated that rivers collectively dump anywhere between 0.8 to 2.7 million metric tons of plastic into the seas every year.
      Fact No3
      3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution
      About 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste had been generated worldwide, of which only 91% has never been recycled and a whopping 79% ended up in landfills or the natural environment.
      Fact No4
      3 reasons why reusable packaging reduces marine pollution
      If current trends continue, it’s expected that by 2050, there could be more plastic in the oceans (by weight) than fish
      Fact No5
      3 reasons why reusable bulk packaging reduces marine pollution
      Over one million plastic bottles are bought every minute around the globe.


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