London, 23 September 2022
Multitank is IoT ready!
Multitank is equipped with multitags®, the unique technology -no battery- labels that transmits data, location, temperature and humidity in real time.
IoT (Internet of Things) increases visibility and gives access to supply chain managers in real-time status updates
Multitags harvest energy from WIFI & Bluetooth network, become active & via IoT Wireless Environment, we achieve easy and quick control of the load in every stage of the operation.
Use of imultitags improves warehouse management, optimizes supply chain management, tracks the load in every stage of the operation,
increases the line speed and optimizes transportation cost. Overall, it offers an end-to-end supply chain picture – from manufacturer to client, via the warehouse.
Multitags offer an effective way to track and authenticate shipment data and storage conditions of products which enhances quality management throughout the supply chain.
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